Testing Grounds: Arts and Digital Cultures in South Asia and Europe
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Very excited that my work ‘always take the weather with you’ will be shown as part of this year’s Colomboscope: Testing Grounds. Cinnamon Colomboscope is a contemporary and multidisciplinary arts festival that takes place in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Originally started in 2013, as a joint initiative between Alliance Française de Kotte, the British Council and the Goethe-Institut, the festival has continued to attract support and participation from Sri Lankan artists as well as those from Europe. Over the past two years, the festival’s reputation has spread beyond these two locales, and more artists from the South Asia region and other parts of the world have wanted to be part of the event.
The set of 12 etchings is part of the exhibition, DEEP SENSING, which explores how our natural, social and technological environment constantly undergoes changes – some dramatic, some subtler. The mutations of digital technologies produce new relationships between material, information, and our own physicality. We – as subjects living within these ecologies – are called upon to acquire ‘a sensitivity’ in the course of traversing the infosphere and real space. Can digital technologies offer new ways of sensing, feeling and perceiving the world, contributing to a more diversified, intuitive and emotional understanding of our environments?
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